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10 Important Tips For Moving

· Movers

Moving out of your home is quite stressful because you have to do a lot of things. Don’t worry, here are some tips for house moving in Singapore.

1. Find a reputable mover.

Before moving, you must research on where to find a reputable mover. Thankfully, there are a lot of movers in Singapore. Just take the time to look them up online and see what some of their customers say about them. It’s important to pick ones that will guarantee fuss free moving at a decent price.

2. Reduce the things that you will bring.

Get rid of some items that you no longer want or need. This makes moving easier because it lessens the stuff that you’re gonna bring to your new home. You can opt to give the items away or sell them to make extra money.

3. Organise important documents.

Make sure to organise your important documents. That way you’ll know where they are in case you need them. It can be arranged in a box. Or, if you have a safe or a file cabinet, you can store it there so you won’t have a hard time finding it once you have moved out.

4. Arrange your packing materials.

Gather all your packing materials. This includes cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape and coloured markers.

5. Begin packing.

After discarding the items that you don’t want or need anymore, you can now start packing your stuff. You can divide the boxes and label them according to the contents of a room, like the garage, the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom.

6. Transfer the utilities.

Before moving, you should contact your utility service providers to inform them about your move. This includes water, electricity, gas, Internet and cable TV. You must schedule the disconnection of the utilities at your old place and the reconnection at your new one.

7. Change your postal address.

In order to ensure that you will still get your snail mail, don’t forget to change your postal address. You can opt to change your address before the day of the move. That way, there will be no interruption in the delivery of mail during the transitional period.

8. Inspect the utilities at your new home.

Be sure to check on whether your utilities are functioning properly. Check to see if there’s running water and electricity. After that, you can also check if you have Internet, phone and cable TV.

9. Check all the delivered boxes.

Inspect your list and the boxes that have been delivered to your new home. Check if it’s all there and if there’s any damage. Make sure that all issues are resolved before signing any documents. Once you have inspected the boxes thoroughly and moved into your new house, don’t forget to thank the movers in Singapore.

10. Unpack your boxes.

It’s now time to unpack the boxes. This can be quite overwhelming so just start slow. Try to open boxes that contain essential items first. This includes medication, clothes, toiletries, kitchen items and electronic devices. You can also open the boxes per room.

These are just some of the important tips to remember when moving. Hopefully, it will help you when you are house moving in Singapore.