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5 Advantages Of Car Rental In Singapore For Small Business

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Vehicles are essential for small and big businesses. They are a vital part of the logistics-- the literal flow of the items. However, it is undeniable that the upfront cost of brand new cars can be brutal for small and start-up businesses. One of their options is car rental in Singapore. 

Here are the benefits small and start-up businesses can get from rental car companies in Singapore:

1.It is cheaper

The upfront cost of brand new cars is tremendously high, and it can be a problem for small and start-up businesses. The flexible payment terms when you lease a car in Singapore ease the cost burden. Small businesses can put their capital on more important things. 

2.Get the car that you need.

At a lower monthly cost, small and start-up businesses can get the type of vehicle they need, whether at the truck, van, or sedan. They can upgrade their rental car in Singapore once their contract ends. 

3.Flexible contracts

If you think that you don't need a car that frequently, you may find it a waste of money to buy a car that will just be idled most of the time. You can lease a car in Singapore with flexible contracts. If you need a truck only for one week, you can rent a weekly lorry rental. 

4.You don't have to worry about the depreciation rate.

Vehicles are also considered assets of a business. One of the downsides of buying a car is the depreciation rate. Companies don't have to worry about depreciation rates because they don't own the vehicle; ergo, they are unaffected by it. 

5.The business can buy it. 

When clients lease a car in Singapore, they have the option to purchase the vehicle at the end of their contract at a much affordable price, especially if they happen to like the car.

Are you a start-up business that needs a car? Why not try renting a car?

CDG Rent A Car provides affordable vehicles for small businesses in Singapore. Visit CDG Rent A Car today.
