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5 Reasons You Need to Rent A Car

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More than leisure, owning a car has become a necessity. However, not everyone has the capacity to buy a new car and shoulder the daily maintenance services and documentary requirements of the government.

On a brighter side, at least there is an option to rent a car in case you need it. Here are 5 reasons when you should rent a car:

If your business requires
Singapore is not actually a big city for you to drive to work all the time. However, if your work requires you to constantly go from one place to another, such as attending a meeting or presentations, you might want to rent a car. It saves you the hassle of riding the train or the bus on a busy Monday morning just to catch up with your scheduled meeting.

If you are planning to take a road trip
Do you suddenly feel the urge of being spontaneous and would want to just drive somewhere to relax your mind? It’s a great idea to rent a car and visit some of the places in Singapore that you are normally just too busy to check out. You can drive to see the Merlion or the Raffles Marina Lighthouse.

If you are going on a vacation
Regardless if you are going with your family or with your friends, it’s a good idea to have your own car when going on a vacation. Since this one can actually take longer, you might want to opt for a long term car rental. In that way, you won’t be too tied up with your schedule should you have suddenly decided to stay a couple of days more.

If you have visitors
In case you have friends or relatives staying with you for a vacation or for any other reason, you can consider to rent a car for them. Sure, it’s nice to be together when going out and checking out the nice places in your area, but it’s best to have an extra car should you suddenly had changes in schedule. You wouldn’t want them to be bored staying at home while you are away in an emergency meeting, right?

If you have a special occasion
Wedding, debut, or any other celebration. If you want to have a grand entrance or if you want the fairy tale princess feeling of having your own magical carriage when you arrive at your event, choose to rent a car. In that way, you wouldn’t have to worry about your transportation. All you need to do is to prepare for that big event!

Did you find something similar to what you currently need? Visit CDG Rent A Car website to know more about their short and long term car rental services.