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Choosing Durian: How to Know if the Fruit is Good and Fresh

· durian delivery
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Choosing a durian should be simple. However, if you have no idea how to. Remember that when shaking a good durian, the seed should move. Maturity is indicated when the middle of the fruit exudes a strong, but not sour smell. Good thing you have your durian delivery option for you today. Though, like experienced winetasters, experienced durian eaters can often accurately tell what is the variety, in what region it was grown, and what is the approximate age of the tree it came from, just by inhaling a durian’s fragrance.

To help you out, here are some tips to know a good quality durian:


A good durian must have a strong aroma to it. Sniff near the stalk of the durian or along the rift lines. If there is a pleasant sweet smell, it means the durians are ripe. If the scent is very overwhelming, it may mean that the durians have over-ripen. It may also indicate that the durian husk has ruptured.

Shape & Shake

Watch the shape of the durians. Durians with bulging sides indicate that the seeds are fleshy. A concave side is a strong indication that it is an empty chamber. When shaking, you should feel for a small movement. If the durians are riped, there should be a small gap between the pellicles and the chamber. If you don't feel any movement, it means the durians are not ripe yet.


Visually inspect the stalks. It should be slightly greenish with a tinge of brownish burnt-looking edges. As the durian ripens, it is natural for the stalks to start drying up.

However, even if it is durian season in Singapore and the stalk looks dry, it may mean that the durian has fallen for more than 12 hours. Too green and it may mean that the durians are forcefully cut down from the tree. These durians might not be ripe yet. If you see a clean-cut, it may suggest that the durians are being cut down from the tree rather than falling naturally.


If you see yellow spots on the husk, it is an indication that the durian may have been more than two days old. So do check the husk colour and make sure it is nice and green. Also, look out for the colour of the durian flesh. Some cultivars have paler yellow compared to others. Mao Shan Wang generally has a darker yellow.

If you are looking for quality durian, book your durian delivery in Singapore with us. Visit our website and let us send your favourite fruit to your doorstep today.