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When Is The Right Time To Buy A New Car?

· buy new car sg,Carlingual
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An article published last 2017 has explained why Singapore is the country that has the highest cost of owning a car. Other than to keep the city from traffic and pollution, the main reason is that the government imposes various fees and taxes to owners. Thus, it is recommended by car dealers in Singapore to wait for the right time to buy one!

Here are the things that they suggest.

1. When the bidding process for COE starts
COE stands for Certificate of Entitlement that will allow you to register, own, and drive a car in Singapore for 10 years. By getting one, you have to understand that you must pay this on top of the car’s costs. It happens every first and third Monday of the month and its prices fluctuate, thus be prepared!

2. When you are in a steady financial situation
No one can tell the future so it is best that before you make any impactful decisions like buying a new car in Singapore, you make sure that you have a steady income. This will protect from any possible charges you will encounter along the way like costs for maintenance and accidents.

3. When you can trust a car dealer
It is a hard and long process to find the best used car dealer in Singapore who can give you all your needs to own a car. When you get into that situation, do not let it pass as it is a rare chance to be given that opportunity!

4. There is an easement of car loans
When the Monetary Authority of Singapore eased their restrictions on car loans last 2016, it opened a lot of opportunities for aspiring car owners. Since then, you can get up to a 70% loan of the purchase price if your car’s Open Market Value is $20,000 or less!

Do you want to save money when you buy a car? Consider getting a second-hand car for sale in Singapore! CARLINGUAL can give you a good deal when you buy from them. Visit their website to know how their services work today!

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